Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Organizing Kick

I'm on this organizing kick thing. We moved into this house about two years ago and everything has pretty much stayed the way I put it then. Since then though, we've lived here (.....duh) and our needs for the space have shifted and become more defined. 

Images help me the best (I guess it's that visual learner thing) and I get such a motivational kick when I see something I like. Plus organizing: it's free. Or at least it can be. A little creativity can go a long way and you don't have to spend a dime to make your space more workable for the way you live. Sometimes you can even MAKE money by selling things you don't need/want to a consignment shop.

So if you need a jump start maybe some of these ideas may help.



I don't have the space for this but it looks good.

I'm sure you've seen this before. 
Great stuff.


Not really an organizing thing, but a want
a huge utility sink like this in my kitchen someday. 

Adam actually made me something like this.
He made it a lot wider than a traditional ladder so it looks really contemporary.
Not like a primitive-type ladder at all. 
I'm going to paint it white and it'll be perfect.
Thank you, Adam!

This is a family closet. 
Since its just the two of us, Adam & I pretty much already do this.
But I think it's a great idea for a larger family.
You just make space (either in a room near the laundry appliances or part of a room)
and store ALL clothing in this room. 
For privacy, you could even set up some changing stalls.
It just seems so efficient for so many reasons.
This also opens up more storage and living space in the bedrooms.

I really need to do this.

I did do this.
This is actually my drawer. 
It holds all my PJ's, slips, T-shirts, and tank tops.
Folding them and arranging them in horizontal rows is so functional. 
You can see everything there without messing up stacks of clothing. 

That's it.

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