Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A re-purposed poster

I'm thinking that I must have carried some Texas home with me because it is currently 80 degrees here..... in Indiana........ in March.......


I am merely observing and appreciating. : )

I want to share some more things I've made lately. The first is one I mentioned right before we left for Texas.

Remember this picture? The one I said was kind of inspiring me?

Well here's my version (and I took step by step pictures! I know right! Am I a great blogger now or what?!)


I had this poster. 
I still loved the colors but wasn't into the subject matter anymore.

So I cut it up into all of these strips.

Using a glue stick and a ruler, I started arranging consistent zig-zag rows.
Not perfectly but effectively.

Then I got to this point and ran out of strips.

I said "Hmm. Ok, well cool" and framed it. 
I love it.
Total cost: free using stuff I already had

My next project is for a baby shower I'm throwing for my friend, Grace.

I gathered some CHEAP plates with cheerful colors that would 
work past a baby shower.

I glued them, stacked them, and let 'em dry.
Now I have my very own tiered-cupcake-tree-tray-thingy
for about $8.
Come on, everybody's doing it.

Hope your day is sunny :)

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