Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Friday

Do you know why people love Fridays? Because even though it's still a work day, the following day is Saturday. duh, right? But this makes every Friday like a mini-holiday and puts a smile on every face. So it's not even the fact that it's Friday that makes people love Fridays, it's that everyone has a reason to be happy and that always makes life better.

So, happy Friday! 

On the same note, I love the bubbly, uprising feeling I get when I've just clocked out of work and I'm racing out. The whole weekend is spread before me and I can do....... whatever! Or at least for a good portion of the weekend I can do whatever and not feel guilty (a lot of the time during the week I do whatever when usually I should doing something; hence the confessed guilt).

What am I planning for my whatever time? (Just because I love making a good list : )  )
  • Adam and I are eating dinner at his parents house, most likely chicken and sausage on the grill
  • Gather some daffodils while I'm there because they always have so many around. I might even dig up some of the bulbs to transplant here. (Flowers are so expensive!)
  • Sleep in tomorrow
  • Maybe go walk with Adam while he plays golf tomorrow
  • Do some homework (gah)
  • Mop the kitchen floor (Not sure when I did that last.......)
  • read
The "read" on my list reminded me: The office I work in has been cleaning stuff out and put a whole bunch of magazines from the break room in the recycling bin. Like, years worth of Home & Garden, Home Journal, Redbook...... I brought it all down to sort into the larger recycle bins and found them! So of course I sorted out all the ones I wanted 

There's just nothing like hanging out and reading 2 years worth of free mags.......

Hello, weekend

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