Ok so sometimes you just can't make every piece fit together like a puzzle. So here are some extras that I love. enjoy! (Oh sorry for excessive cutsy-couples picture of Adam and I in this one...... but I guess I get to do what I want here:))
Train station ceiling
Adam's idea to get a pic of our reflection on the subway.
He's just funny
Cool buildings...... like...... everywhere.
I guess that's what you get when you go to Europe......
or maybe just when you leave Indiana.
Take one.....
Try again......
It'll do........
Oh here are some pictures of where we stayed for most the week. We stayed in a different hostel for the first two nights in Germany but I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to jet lagged to remember to get pics there. oppps. But these are good.
Even though we were pretty much in the city we had to
walk a trail to get to our hostel.
There are a lot of trees in Berlin. It's great.
Yup, it's called Jetpak...... kinda misleading
Girls room.
We all loved it with the big windows and green outside.
Common room
Hallway, woooo.
People who had stayed at the hostel marked on this map where they were from.
This is the daughter of the woman who runs/owns the hostel.
She was super cute.
I think she's making us all mudpies for breakfast here.
Giant slugs!
Seriously, it's as big as my hand.
'Nother cool building
On the express train
If you couldn't tell, it was an awesome trip. TRAVEL IS IMPORTANT! Even if it's just to see your own insignificance. We are all so small and the world is so big!Our lives, our "issues". Teeny. But you know what else? Dispite how teeny tiny our lives are, God cares. God cares about the big things, like the holocaust, and the microscopic things, like where your going to go to college next year. He loves you.
That's awesome
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