Sunday, October 21, 2012

Take a chill pill

Wow I just realized I haven't done a post in 4 days. There's been very little down time.

I'm an introvert. When stuff gets like that, when we're always with people and going going going even if we're supposed to be doing something "relaxing", I get really worn down. Extroverts recharge by relaxing with others ( for example, my husband Adam). Introverts (like me) have to be alone to really recharge. I love the people in our life, but sometimes it gets necessary to get away. After these last couple of days , I've hit that mark. I just need to be alone for a bit and sloooooow doooooown.

Usually Sundays are one of our busiest social days. That can be fine because we're investing in others lives: our church family, the youth group, people we're in ministry with, friends, family...... But today I have to pull in my own reins. I have a feeling what I have to invest in people right now would not be what they need (i.e. a grumpy butt who wants to take a nap but has a week and a half worth's of laundry to do).

So my Sunday will be spent doing the minimum in the social/church ring and the maximum in my home concentrating on spending one-on-one time with God. Quietly. And with minimal computer/TV. So He can get me back up to speed.

He's blessing us even more with my much blabbed about camping trip starting tomorrow. Wow. This is just coming at the perfect time. A day today to slow down by myself and the next couple of days to slow down with Adam. Thank you, Lord.

And He said to them, " Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while." For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.
Mark 6:31

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