Monday, January 9, 2012

It wasn't so bad

First day of class and all

Even through this is my 6th semester I've been at ISU I still get new class jitters. I still get nervous about finding the right classes and figuring out if I'll be able to pass those classes I've signed up for.

Today was the easy day. Just work and a single class. Tomorrow I have three classes: a math course, a biology lab, and printmaking. I'm taking the biology lecture online (eeeek).Obviously the plan was to save the best for last and survive the first two. I'm so very, very nervous about the biology and math courses. I haven't had either in over two years. I hear the squeaky gears of my brain groaning as I think about them.

 But printmaking will be fabulous and I'm looking forward to meeting the prof. I've seen him around and he seems nicely eccentric. :) I've also got some art ed friends taking the class. It'll be my release class. Knowing that I'd be taking printmaking this semester I've been looking for inspiration

The process: very messy 

The Japanese were the original print makers and inspire work even today

The last seven prints were done by artists I found on Etsy

I love printmaking for the textures you can get. They can be so rich and detailed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kensie! Just wanted to let you know I am praying for you today, seeing as today is tomorrow and I know you have some heavy duty classes.

    I can't wait to see what your artful mind comes up with this semester!
