Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Prints and +

 At the moment: I'm eating a salad, listening to some of that Yo-Yo Ma, and putting off some (read: a ton) of Math homework.


I took these pictures after Youth Group this past Sunday.
I don't think I've ever seen this many people packed into Adam's "cozy" office.

 Remember that HUGE printing assignment I was stressing about the other day? Well I finished it. Just in the nick of time too. Our critique is tomorrow.

This assignment used the colographic printing process. It's like a mix between intaglio and relief printing (Google it. You might learn something you didn't know before :))

This is the first of my four piece edition.
 By the way, all these prints are titled Order or Chaos

The edition is mixed media; a combo of ink and watercolor.

This is an all ink artist proof. I don't like it. 
That's why I didn't do my edition the same way.

A trial run. I started out using duller, more earthy colors

Another artist proof. Somewhat dull.

And this......

.....was just a happy little mark I liked. :)

Oh yea and it was nearly 70 degrees here all day.
This is Indiana.
It's weird.
Nice. But weird.

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