Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chomping at the bit


Spring break is next week. (HUGE, gigantic sigh of relief) We decided to go with Adam's family to Texas. We'll be on the beach all week in a beach house. Then next weekend when we fly back to St. Louis, Adam and I are going to spend the weekend there. I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's ridiculous how excited I am. I can't even sleep for all the excitement (I'm a child). But we're not actually leaving until after church on Sunday. We'll be flying though so that's a plus. The rest of Adam's family is driving down today. (read: sooooooooooooooooo jealous.) I kinda wish we were going earlier so we could be with

So, in lou of actually going I just plan the crap out of everything (i.e. packing list, craft prep for the chillens, planning at least one meal made by me for the week, fun stuff to do/bring,......). Here's my packing list for the week (Don't laugh but it's color coded)

  • Clothing

  • ·         Black skinnies
  • ·         Jeans
  • ·         Cut offs
  • ·         Black dress
  • ·         Orange dress
  • ·         Purple skirt
  • ·         green T
  • ·         purple T
  • ·         black graphic T
  • ·         black striped top
  • ·         Jean top
  • ·         Gray cardi
  • ·         Dark gray pullover sweater
  • ·         light flats
  • ·         buckle sandals
  • ·         blue keds
  • ·         black boots (St. Louis)
  • Plus
  • ·         Swim suit (2 pc)
  • ·         PJ’s
  • ·         Long black leggings
  • ·         Black yoga pants
  • ·         8 pairs of undies
  • ·         Scarf
  • ·         3 socks
  • ·         Waist belt
  • ·         Coat (St. Louis)

  • And
  • ·         Toiletries
  • ·         Hangers
  • ·         Beach towels
  • ·         Fan
  • ·         Candle/lighter
  • ·         Phone/fire &  charger
  • ·         Camera/charger
  • ·         Black purse
  • ·         Sunglasses
  • ·         headphones
  • ·         Wallet
  • ·         Pair of socks (for security check)

  • ……………………….- pack in carry on       …………………..- wear while traveling
  • ………………….. -bag going w/ Conner van
So yup. That's it. And I don't know what's up with the weird double bullets. 

Also we're having a friend stay here and house sit (because, as I have mentioned, we live in a not-terrible-but-still-questionable neighborhood). It's peace of mind while we're gone, but I want to have the house extra clean and house guest ready. Especially since we won't be here. So I'm making lists on what to do to make sure he's set. 

3 days to go! 

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