Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tomorrow, we ride!.....or well, leave

Yes tomorrow we leave and I cannot wait to get out of The Haute, Terredise, Terrible Haute.

Today will be spent packing and cleaning. I might even have a craft in me or two :)

                     Here's the inspiration for at least one craft.
                                                  We'll see.

Oh also I have something cool/awesome to tell you but it's a secret until tomorrow. Don't jump to conclusions, there's no baby, no new house, no lottery being won here. But it's it's still pretty awesome.
Just wait ; )

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Kensie!!! Im so excited for you! Vacation and all. I know some people may not think it's a HUGE thing, but all that excitement of getting ready, getting to the airport, packing happy vacation clothes... it's just awesome!

    And, I can't believe your going to surfside, we went to Quintana beach during sunset one night when were down there and's right down the road. In fact, I think I have that surfside beach picture somewhere in all my vacation photos.

    I just love Texas, it's amazing. I know everyplace feels "different" but Texas really is different and I just love being there. I can't wait to see pictures (hopefully!) and read all about it (again, hopefully!)

    Enjoy time with your hubby, family, and time away!

    * Also, I can't wait to hear what you have to tell all of us in your next blog post!*
