Sunday, March 4, 2012

The secret + We're outta here

Adam got a new tattoo! 

We went to Under the Gun and he got his second tat. He's been talking about it for awhile. So he FINALLY made an appointment for Friday night and we went.

He does not cooperate with photo taking
: P

Poor guy. He was sweating from the pain. Then again, he brought it on himself.
Still though, I kept wanting to hold his hand through it.
I think he kinda wanted me to, too.
Not obviously, but....... I know. 
He tried to be a big tough guy but...... :)


That's all for now. I'm going to take a break from the blog while we're gone.
I'll have a couple of photo bomb posts when I come back, I'm sure.
Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is awesome! Now Daniel is talking about getting one again. Sometimes when there is a good post I'll make him listen while a read parts of it aloud, but this post, when I said "Adam got a tattoo!" He actually walked over to the computer and was like, "Is there pictures?!" lol :) He has always really liked Adam a lot.

    Have fun on vacation and take lots of pictures!!!!!
