Monday, February 27, 2012

And Monday started the week with a screech

Yup I'm just dropping the ball all over the place. (And be warned- this is nothing like yesterday's uplifting post. This is Kensie, the failing human, talking in this one)

1st- I didn't wake up this morning til 11:00 am.  I didn't have to be anywhere till one but I had homework that needed to be done. ugh!

2nd- I skipped my night class. Because I am lazy.

3rd- I forgot to go and put another coat of shellac on my latest printing plate before I left campus today. Our prints (all 9 of them) are due Thursday. I have NONE of them printed. Last time I printed an edition it took me 5 hours. These next two days are already full so I'm feeling a very late night coming soon. : /

Eventually every semester starts feeling like this: a combination of apathy, anxiety, and failure. Ahhhhh, higher education, they say you're making me into a "better" person, but so far I feel more like a inept person who is lazy and has no time management skills. Or at least very poor time management.

I've heard someone say that the real point of a college degree is to prove to your future employer that you will/can put up with crap for at least 4 years.

Does this post savor highly of bitterness? Yes, I guess it does. Then again, maybe I'm just PMS-ing

God, help me.

1 comment:

  1. I just had to say I sympathize with you on the whole procrastination thing :)

    But you strike me as someone who pulls through, and I know you will get done everything you need to when it's due.

    Go Kensie!
