Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Sabbath IS holy

Today is (was) Sunday. God set aside a day once every week to be spent resting and being with Him. We humans call it the Sabbath.

Usually for our family (Adam & me) this day is more like an extra work day: Adam gets to church by 8 am for a staff meeting and prayer time, he teaches his prepared Sunday school lesson, we focus on connecting with the high schoolers and anyone else God puts in our paths, then we get lunch w/ friends from church, he goes back to church and spends the majority of the afternoon getting things done at church/ preparing for the Sunday evening lesson, then we are both at church usually from 6:30-10:30 teaching/investing/reaching out/encouraging/.....

Now, do not read this as complaining from me. I would not change it. We may call it a work day, but it is so much more. Through the pouring out of our energies (esp. Adam's, bless him) we are fortified and encouraged by the Lord for whom we do it all.

(I apologize for my Christianese, but my heart can't help it.)

But the point of this post is to thank God for this night especially. This evening has been spent in rich fellowship with fellow believers (who I consider to be my family) and truth has been laid on my heart. God has made a point to encourage me in areas where I continually fail (i.e. reading my bible each day), open my eyes to His glorious power and truth, and reassure me that it is all in His hands. Moreover, He loves me. He loves me more than I love myself.

I am  overcome with joy for Him and who He is and what He has done for me, even this very night.

I just ask Him to give me the strength to live my everyday life, the one in which I am not surrounded by believers, as a light that proclaims His love and compassion to all those who come my way.

If you do not know Christ, friend, do not wait. He will change your life. He is life. You will never thirst again. You will never live in fear again. You will never truly be insecure. He will restore the life you lost when we fell and He will bless you beyond anything you could think to ask for. He doesn't care what you do, what you've done, who you are. He says to come as we are. Please. Do not be separated from Him for one more moment.

If you would like prayer please email me or leave a comment.

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