Saturday, February 25, 2012

Consider this my Friday post....

Been making some stuff with my hands lately. 

The first project you'll see is the banner project for my church I mentioned in an earlier post.
I was really nervous about the outcome, but I'm really happy with the results.

It was a many multi-step process. Thanks to my inlaws for letting me use
their garage to do the spray painting. :)

Big, fuzzy "i". Nice crisp words. niiiiiiiiiiiice

 This next project was just spur of the moment. I felt like painting (not fancy-foo-foo painting, just making) so I put a white layer of paint of a previous failed painting and went to work mixing up some colors.

Then I drizzled them around on a piece of scrap poster board.

Finally I just smeared the poster board over the repainted canvas.
The outcome is ok. 
I might do some more layers or do an ink drawing over it. 
We'll see.

Oh and remember my printmaking class?
Well this is my best print so far.
And guess what!!!
Someone wants to buy one.
For like, a really good price (!). Super exciting.

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