Sunday, February 19, 2012

Reality's gonna kick my butt #2

Remember that list of things I was going to accomplish yesterday? Well, I didn't do a single one (except make a post and watch New Girl. Check mark next to those). 

Instead we (me and Adam) spent the WHOLE day with some of our best friends, Brandon and Grace P.

1st we met up for lunch at Monical's pizza. Then we hit up the Music Conservatory in town, Babies'r'Us (cuz their havin' a baby), and Old Navy. From there we went to their abode and watched a movie. I guess we just hadn't had enough of each other cuz then I invited them over for a crockpot dinner I had on and they said yes! :) So we came over here for dinner, played Scattergories (one of my favs), and watch ANOTHER movie. And that was our Saturday. So fun and we had really been missing them so I think it was well spent. Now however I am feeling the pressure to get many mundane yet necessary tasks completed (i.e. bio homework, English homework, math homework, banner stuff....)

I really don't want to do any of that. I can see why so many people do not finish college. I'm trying my very best not to become one of them.....................................but its tough. Real tough.

Wish me luck. And say a prayer. Thanks.

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