Saturday, February 18, 2012

White space

Today is (mercifully) a white space kind of day. As in we have NOTHING planned.

So what am I gonna do with this day stretching before me? For starters, I'm going to sit here and write out this post. At the very same time I'm going to watch (am watching) New Girl (love!Adam does too! hahaa!).

Also today I'm going to work on some banners for our church. Our pastor as started this outreach initiative to get the people of the church to do what their actually supposed to do: spread the news of Jesus Christ! Sad that we actually have to have a program to get Christians to do that (I include myself in this failure) but God will use it. Anywho, I was asked to make these banners to kind of illustrate the steps of this initiative.

Identify, Initiate, Invite, and Invest
I'll be doing two sets of four banners.
I'm trying not to get too stressed about these.

I'll show pictures when their done....... if they're ever done.

Also I'll be doing a FUN craft! I just found it on!

Here are the steps

1)Cut off indicated sections (save section used for a drawstring)
2)Pin off  little tunnels for the drawstring
3)Sew them
4)thread the drawstring and tie it. 

Looks like a fun, simple project with instant gratification, yea? Yea. So here it goes.

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