Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Heart Update

I have nothing interesting to post today. Not really.......

Then again I write that and the first thing I think about is God. Not only God Himself, but what He's doing in our lives lately. More specifically, what He's doing in my heart.

He's changing the way my culture has taught me to think about really major things. Things like my life expectations, my marriage, my view on parenthood, and most importantly, my view of Him.

For instance, my views on my marriage: Of course I knew that divorce is bad, that I'm to be his "help meet", that my husband is the head of our family. But I never understood til recently the gravity and joy of a truly heavenly marriage. Not only is Adam the head of our little unit, but more specifically, he is my authority figure. He is to me what Jesus is to the church. Understanding this illuminates for me just how ridiculous it is for me, as Adam's wife, to criticize, patronize, or slander his name in any way. What if the church gave Jesus "a piece of its mind" whenever Jesus did something the church doesn't particularly like? It's the same as if I felt it was "my right" to give my husband "a piece of my mind" when he does something that I don't particularly like. He is my husband. God commands me as a wife to respect Adam. Not only to respect him when he is respectable, but NO MATTER WHAT. No matter what Adam does, I'm commanded by my God to respect my husband.

And the help meet idea. For some reason, this was totally vague for me. So am I just supposed to "help" him when I can, when I have the time, and then go on to fulfill my own life-dreams and goals? So far, the way I understand it, the answer I've had is a resounding NO! Now that I am a wife, this is my life's most important role. My life's work is to help my husband in his life's work. God did not tell Adam to name and care for all of the animals and earth, then tell Eve to work on coming up with a new language. No. Adam had his job and Eve was created for Adam, to help him and comfort him. Neither God or His Word has changed since. My job is to help my Adam serve God. By serving Adam, I am serving God.

Wow. This totally excites me! It's liberating! I am in love with His plan and I want Him to show me how to live in it.

And what's more is God has a perfect plan just like this for every area of our lives, of my life. He know's how we work.


By the way,  I'm married to a true, good, and God-loving man........ and he's hot.

1 comment:

  1. What a refreshing post! A agree wholeheartedly with you. Your views on respecting your husband and how the husband and wife relationship is really just like the church to God relationship.

    You sound so happy and it's inspiring! On the majority of things my dear hubby and I agree on everything and we hardly ever "fight" (More like disagreements, really) but when those times do happen, trying to bend my will to his feels like trying to bend iron! I get so frustered when I want to do something totally different than what hubby thinks, and I think to myself, "So this is it, I should just agree with him and go with it? And that's it?" Of course, if we disagree on something, we try to figure out a mutually beneficial solution to the problem, but sometimes, Daniel just makes the final decision and I may not always like it. It's VERY hard for me to just let go of something and be like "OK, were good." But God is gently leading me and teaching me that there is more strength and Joy in giving in, as compared to "winning"

    I am learning that when my husband wins, I win, we both win and God smiles. The whole concept of obeying my husband and serving him directly corresponds to how I am serving God is just mind blowing. That is huge. What better motivator than that?!

    There is so much more I could say, marriage, a truly God glorifying marriage is a huge issue for my heart. A godly marriage is life changing, not just to those in it, but to entire families, friends, and even observers!
