Thursday, March 22, 2012

A photo essay of my day....

I decided this morning to do a photo walk through of my day. So w/ a mostly charged camera and a full day ahead, I caught some moments here and there.

FYI I did not feel like editing all these so.... yea.......

Good morning


Headed to my first class of the day.
Math. Yuck.

I have a two hour break between my first class and work.
I took the opportunity to head to the store for groceries.

I had some time left so I put dinner in the crock pot
Chicken and pasta.

A new favorite: iced coffee. mmmmmmmm....

The building where I work

working........ or something

See all those wood pieces? To start off our relief printmaking unit,
our prof gave us each a few of those pieces to carve into.
We could do w/e we wanted on them.

These are a couple of mine.

Then he collected them and put them together to make......

....can you guess?

Oops. Random doodle

It's a queen of diamonds.
This plate will look like......

.....this, when printed.
We all get to make a print of this "plate"

After class I was done on campus for the day and headed home.

We didn't get snow this year but now we 
have fluttering white petals every where.
: )

It had already been a really busy day.

A nap felt like a good idea

Got some laundry laid out and folded

Dinner's almost ready

I bought enough fruit for a salad so I made fruit salad for dessert

Packed some to bring to Adam.
He had to stay late at the church for praise band practice (He's a drummer. A really good,
 really hot drummer) so I brought him dinner.

Add some chicken pasta + broccoli

Hey mister

Brandon and Grace showed up for praise band practice w/ their dinner.

I got some other loose ends tied up this evening too. The dishes are looming in the sink. : ( Another nap sounds good..........

John 1:16 NIV
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. 

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