Monday, March 12, 2012

Meet me in St. Louis

After a slight delay for our flight, we made it to St Louis by 4 in the afternoon.
We went straight to the hotel and just hung out all night. 
We stayed downtown at the Hilton. It was cool.
I think I may have been asleep by 10 pm, because of the exhausting week we had 
just endured of course........ha

But Saturday we were up bright and early (noon counts, right?) and headed to 
St. Louis' Forest Park. The World's Fair was held there in 1904.
The area hold's the city's several museums and the zoo.
And guess what! It's all free admission, everyday, all day.
Crazy awesome.
Our first stop was the art museum (!) yay.

I actually saw Degas' sculpture, The Little Dancer.

This guy had a table and a typewriter set up in front of the art museum.
His sign read "Fresh poetry" I thought it was kinda cool

Next we walked over to the zoo.
It was a perfect day outside; sunny, clear, and unusually warm for March in the Midwest.
Oh and look at that middle right picture. It's the zoo's advertisement
for their baby elephant named......... Kenzi!

We headed home by car on Sunday. We didn't make it to the arch on this trip.
Too bad. 
Of course, we were welcomed home to Terre Haute by getting railroaded.
(FYI, railroads are EVERYWHERE in Terre Haute. You almost can't go anywhere in TH without
getting railroaded. They have made me late to many a class)

We had a great week. 

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