Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Change is in the wind

For the past year or so I have been really struggling with school. Usually at the end of the summer, I'm ready to hit the books again. This past summer, that was not so. Last semester was the most challenging yet. This semester is even worse. And it's not because of my course load. It's me. I am totally not for it. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS!

Unfortunately, I don't even have the motivation of a dream job waiting at the end of all this for me. I don't want to do what I'm studying right away when I graduate. I want to be a wife. I want to be a mom. I want to work with the teens with my husband.

So after a lot of praying and considering and talking with my husband, I've decided to take next year off.

I am SO excited!

It will give me a chance to experience life without school. It'll give me a chance to get excited about school again to finish my degree. After this break, I'll decide whether I want to finish my bachelor's degree or just get my associate's in fine arts.

I'm excited and prayerful and hopeful.


  1. That's really exciting Kensie! I'm excited for you!

  2. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my site today! I can completely relate to what you've shared here! I knew I should finish college, but couldn't find an ounce of motivation. I already had what I always wanted in being a wife and having a home together, and so college and career became far less appealing than it had before I had those things. While my classmates would be highly motivated to learn more or get in there to practice hands-on, I was far from that sentiment. The subject that did get me excited was matters of homemaking, home and family. I fought it with all I could. My husband is actually the one who pointed out to me that God gives us gifts and creates us unique. It appeared to him that I was trying so hard to be and do something else. God created some to contribute significantly to the workplace and others to be devoted to the entities of home and family. Neither is wrong, but trying to do what He hasn't called us to is. Taking a year off school to explore other options will definitely help you decide where to go. It will also be a good sample of the kind of backlash you'll likely get if you trade it for good (just based on my experience). Despite my weak moments from these incidents, I still find my choice to pursue home and family a much more valuable path for me. My heart is always to encourage those who wish to take an alternative path courage to step out in faith and trust God. :)

  3. Stumbled to your blog after reading your comment left on Reviving Homemaking! I am a stay at home wife without children, and although I never struggled through college I did struggle with having a full time job. I am excited to read that you've decided to take some time off, and I'll be praying that you find everything you are looking for!

    Monica @ theatypicalhousewife.com
