Saturday, April 21, 2012


Ok first of all, why do we do this to ourselves? Whyyyyy? Why is staying up ALL night, eating junk food, dodging from balls, playing sardines, and running around a church building like a bunch of maniacs so appealing!?

I still have no idea.

But it is.

Second of all, I took awful pictures. I mean you'll get the jist of what happened but, dang. They are super blurry. I think I need to spend some quality time with my (somewhat cheap) camera.

Bear with me

 But yea it was a great night and get this: we had a building full of teens and NO DRAMA. yessssss. So it was all so good. And we had fun and my husband is wonderful.


He planned it all out (this is like his 10th one though of course). Everything ran smoothly, his message was awesome, he is so fun, and he planned some fun stuff to do throughout the night. He's the best.

I love him.

And I love those teens.

I guess that's a good reason to lose sleep : )

1 comment:

  1. Oh that sounds great! It sounds like you all had a great time! I went to a lock in once when I lived in Tennessee almost 10 years ago, and it was great (with almost no drama ;) lol )
