Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Today is a chill day.
Not much going on. 
The girls had a visit. 
I was able to use those couple hours to work on a small project. 

When we all got home, we took it easy.
Peanut snoozed on my chest while Sweetums played in her room. 

That sounds like perfection but it looked more like me insisting Sweetums play in her room so Peanut could snooze while Sweetums threw a fit about being limited by four walls. 

After playing all together for a bit, it was lunch time, cartoon time, and that brings us here to nap time. 
I love naptime. 

That's the day thus far. 
I'd like to head to the park later as long as the weatherman stays wrong and no rain comes. 
Then we have church tonight. 

Otherwise, I recently bought pink pants.
Well fuschia if you want to get picky.

I'm not sure about them.
I've got something against pink for some reason.
I can generally go for a berry red (aka raspberry I guess).
These pants are something like that and they were super cheap and they fit like a dream.
So I'm giving them a shot.

I love these chips. 

I always forget about them when I do a big grocery trip.
We needed something random so I made a quick run into the store and saw some on sale and was like yes!

I have been decluttering like a mad woman recently. 
Yesterday I just pulled apart the girls' room and closet weeding out ANYTHING I didn't or they didn't love (or use). 
I would like to have a yard sale but I don't know if I have it in me. 
A Goodwill dropoff sounds so much more pleasant. 
I do have a few things to pass off to a friend with a little baby girl

I really don't plan on storing children's clothing for any long period of time if I don't have kids that will wear it within the next year. 
Going through some of Peanut's stuff that was all between 3-9 months, I was a little torn. 
I know some people save stuff for years in case of more kids down the line but.....
Clothing always comes around. 
Gear always comes around. 
Like for cheap/free. 
I don't feel a huge need to hold onto all their outgrown (not gonna be used any time soon) stuff. 
Plus when we do need something, I enjoy the hunt. :)

I opened my laptop to go through some pictures, edit them, and write. 
This is my screen. 
How did it get so filthy?
Fingerprints, smudges GA-lore, splatters, a water drip......

What are blogs for?

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