Monday, October 10, 2011

Pain in the back

In mid july I was playing volleyball, went to hit the ball, and errchg. Thats how I felt as my back bent in a very uncomfortable way. I got over it ok pretty soon but within this last month or so my lower back has gotten increasing painful. This morning I woke up at 6with shooting pain : / I have to be on campus by 9 so I've just taken tylenol and put a heat pack on the spot trying to get it bearable before I have to go.

We have a couple of friends who regularly go to a local chiropractor for preventative health care. We've been wanting to go and might have to soon.

I sure hope today isn't ruled by this pain. There's quite a bit to be done. And i just want to be in a better mood. Maybe these will help

Something funny

Something beautiful

Something charming

something interesting

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Feel better Kensie! If you go to the chiropractor maybe you could write about it, I am very curios myself. People either seem very for it or very against it. I get lots of lower back pain and always wonder if I should go sometime.

    Also, I love the flower mountains :)
