Wednesday, November 12, 2014

This is Your Birthday Song!

Hiking at Turkey Run

Today is my man's 28th birthday.

It would just be stupid for me to try to describe what he means to me and just how awesome and wonderful he is.  
If you know him, I think you probably know what I mean :)

He builds his life and home on the Word.
He rocks at being a husband, a lover, and provider.
He loves kids that aren't his own like they are his own.
He devotes himself to the work God has given him.
He loves his parents and his siblings.
His heart is for people who need the love of God.

I want to be him when I grow up.

Since we don't tend to like throwing big parties with tons of people, we end up giving each other whole birthday weeks with little fun surprises each day.
Nothing major just extra treats from the grocery store, angel food cake personally delivered to him at work, dinner out with parents, some $$ for a no guilt shopping stop, extra kisses, extra love.
Fun stuff.
Also I say happy birthday to him every time I talk to him.
He loves that one, let me tell ya.

Heading to dinner on our 5th anniversary

10 years ago at his last church camp as a student + friends (Travis and Matt)

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