Sunday, November 13, 2011

lotsa lotsa

At the moment I'm sitting in ISU's library trying to type out a paper for a class.

But this has been such a full weekend my brain just says "no". It's actually saying it right now. "Noooooooooooooooooooooo."

I've gotten a page and a half pounded out. I guess that's good enough for tonight. It's not due till Wednesday night.

Like I said this weekend has been full to the brim.

I got a good feel for what it's like caring for three tiny people all on your own this Friday and Saturday. They were great, but of course they acted like the children they are.

By the way, it's exhausting. Go moms. You do more than you're awknowledged for.

Also, Saturday was Adam's and his dad's birthday. I felt so guilty all day because I didn't get anything for Adam. You need money to buy things. But I just felt and still feel so guilty for not getting him something or not doing something big for his 25th. He truly doesn't care and I know that, but he's just so sweet to me and I want to do something awesome for him.

Also speaking of Adam, he gave the sermon at church today. And I just want to say that I think he did a phenomenal job. This was his second time doing so and he just did so beautifully. He hit so many solid points, he was confident, and he spoke from his heart. I was and am so stinkin' proud of him. But it really is none of his own doing. God wanted something to be said and He wanted Adam to say it. Thats all. It was all God and I just thank Him for using Adam. And creating Adam. And giving Adam the heart that he has. 

Here's a link to our church's website: You can see what's going on and if you feel inclined to do so, hear the message Adam put out there today. :)

Anyways, I'm done for the day I think. Time to go home and prepare myself to face the week.

1 comment:

  1. A page and a half... on a Sunday? You go girl! I'm glad everything went well with the littels, I'm sure it was great for them. I bet you and Adam are the cool Aunt and Uncle :)

    Happy birthday to Adam! I think I posted that on his fb wall. I know what you mean about not doing anything for birthdays when you want to give the one who loves you so much everything. I think I got Daniel a Monster energy drink for his last birthday, lol. It doesn't matter though, it keeps us humble and focusing on the right things (well, trying anyway ;)

    That is really so neat that he gave the sermon. I can tell from your writing that you are just full of pride and admiration for your husband. I know you both must be a beautiful example of marriage to all around you.... to people younger and older. It's just beautiful.

    Once again, thank you for letting us peak into a little window into your life!
