Monday, September 24, 2012

Roaming Monday

I have no plans today. yay. I didn't end up getting a sub job for the day (I looked, I promise.) So I think I'm going to head out and do some pleasure shopping. I won't buy much because to buy much you need much money. Since we have not much money, not much will be purchased. :)

But there are a couple things on my list:
  • some food for our food pantry at church
  • fabric to recover a chair and make a hot rice pack (for certain cheap people like myself who aren't ready to turn on the heat in September)
  • short boots OR a sheer top at plato's or goodwill
Other than places I can pick up those things, I'll just be window shopping but on the inside. Sometimes that's just as fun and a whole heck of a lot cheaper. 

I am definitely best as a solo shopper. I get so indecisive I'll pick up and put down an item 10 times before I make a final decision whether to buy it or not. It annoys my mom. It even kind of annoys me sometimes. 

So out I go and I hope I find some good deals. 

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