Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fall 2015 Recap

This fall was glorious!
And I'm not just talking about the beautiful weather and rainbow leaves.

Our family grew by one.
Also at about mid October the rights of our girls' biological parents were terminated.

Do you know what that means!?

That means we can start moving forward on adopting them!!!!
: D

Can you believe it?
I still can't.
Every once in awhile it hits me again, and I can't believe we are here with them.
The children's parents still have their rights to our baby boy however so visits and other things are still happening with him.

But time will tell what happens there.
Honestly, I'm just straight up praying that he can stay with us and be our baby boy always.
Like I said, time will tell.

As far as making time to have fun together and enjoy one another during these crazy days, lets take a look at our Fall 2015 Wanna-dos....

I was able to volunteer at a local church's kids clothing swap.
Once again, it was wonderful to see a community work together to meet so many needs.
God used it to meet our own immediate needs in an incredible way!
I found out just the day before that Pumpkin would for sure be placed with us so all of a sudden I just needed a ton of stuff.
God provided for our needs and then some.
Even my girls got super cute coats for free!
Very cool.

We made it to our church's fall festival which is always at the christmas tree farm of a family from our church.
It's happened every year since I can remember so it just wouldn't be fall without going to the Miller's tree farm for a bonfire, potluck, and hay rides.

We only kind of trick-or-treated.
Adam was busy and that would just be insane of me to try to go door to door with 3 babies.
But my mom had bought some treats for them so I threw dress up clothes on the girls and a viking hat on the boy and we headed over.

Of course we wore boots.
Of course I burned cozy smelling candles (plus put clove + orange in my oil diffuser).
And of course we raked and played in piles of leaves.

Some extra things that I didn't have on our list but made the season special:
We all went to the Covered Bridge Festival - Adam & I bought a little bounce cow for Peanut and a ukulele for Sweetums for Christmas.
My sister also kindly took some casual family pictures for us which I love!
I wish I could share them all here!
Someday. :)

Also some changes have happened at our church.
Our Senior Pastor accepted a position in Texas so he and his family moved away early August.
So our associate pastor and the other associate pastor (also known here as my Beloved, Adam Conner) all scooched up the totem pole.
I think that's the most gracious and appropriate way to put that, right?
Forgive me. : D
So while all that was being made official, Adam and our now senior pastor, Brett, had lots on their plates all at once.
I'm so thankful for the changes and so thankful that things have started to settle down.

On to holly-jolly time!

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