Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lifey life

Lifey life has been whirlwind like, especially these last 5 days or so.
Most people dread Mondays because that's beginning of their work week.
Tuesday- Sunday is our work week with weekends being majorly busy.
So when a weekend ends, we usually crash on Mondays.
That is Adam's day off and usually one that I have off.

This weekend was an especially busy one with church events, our small group's first meeting, me working at the Haute, and house guests, and Adam working all the while too.
Sure it was fun, but it was also tiring.
I'm now sitting here at the end of it all with a major cold and dreams of days filled with naps.

These last couple of weeks have actually seemed exceptionally full so not much got done in the way of working towards our foster license.
That realization started to go to my head so of course I pestered Adam for a "Foster Meeting" on his day off.
We did actually end up spending some quality time on it all though and got a few more things checked off the list.

As a plus, we got lunch together and had some quality time with each other too.

So all in all, life is good.
It's full and it tiring and I want a nap and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.
But it's good and I hope it's all to God's glory.

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