Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Life With Bebe

We are a solid week into life with a newborn.
I can say I've learned a few things.

1) waiting for an umbilical cord to fall of is awful and disgusting. It was a celebratory moment when his finally did yesterday.
2) when it comes to the lack of sleep: you can either be tired and angry or just tired. I read that somewhere.
3) a newborn is a shining star and beacon of love to everyone he meets. Makes going out in public an event every time.
4) big sisters make overbearing (though well intentioned) little mothers.
5) mothering a newborn is as wonderful as I always knew it would be.
6) Not learned but decided: we'll call this little man Pumpkin here in the blogosphere.

Though I did get Peanut as a 3 month old, those three months are a huge game changer.
Pumpkin is a brand new world.

Did I mention how tiny this dude is?
I don't think pictures do it justice. 

Last week we just kind of went into hibernation mode. 
We only went out if it was necessary i.e. parent visits, dr. visits.....
We did make it to church on Sunday morning. 
So far I think getting everyone fed, cleaned up, dressed and strapped in is the most challenging part of life. 
I'm pretty sure that will be the case for while. 

As fall descends and we continue to get our bearings, there will probably continue to be a lot of movie watching, cuddling, and praying.

It's always important to me to note my gratitude.
I am SO thankful that the Lord has led us to this place in our lives the way He has.
It's been beautiful.
Or at least it's beautiful to look back on. :)
Praise and honor, glory and power to Christ.
All this is for Him. 

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