Saturday, April 28, 2018

April Favorites

It's time again to share my monthly favorites!
I can barely believe it!
Where has April slipped off to?

What I'm making...

Lists! I've shared here already how busy I foresee this summer being (all good things, all good things) so I've been ramping up for the season by planning out as much as I can. I feel good when I have taken some time to list everything that's expected of me for an event, all the things I need to buy/pack for a trip, or everything I want to accomplish in a finite amount of time.

It's my way of getting out ahead of the chaos so I have to make as few split second decisions as possible.

I do my list making in a regular old notebook. I tear old, used up lists out and toss them when they're done. I actually have notebooks requirements: It has to have a hard cover so it's easy to write in when in sitting in the car or pushing a cart. It has to be spiral bound so I can fold it back on itself. I have to love the cover because it's going to be a constant part of my days until it's used up. It needs to be a medium size (big enough for a full grocery list, small enough to fit easily in my bag). Here is my last one and my current one...

What I'm doing...

While we are still working on our foster care license renewal (shout out to our family and friends who have helped with all our childcare needs!) I am also working on.... I'll call it calorie budgeting. Hahaa! I don't want to say I'm dieting because I'm not trying to loose a ton of weight or anything. A slight slim down would be welcome but I was struck with a need to control and re-calibrate my eating habits.

I was going down some pretty self absorbed mental tracks thinking too much about the way I looked and at the same time overeating sweets and junk food. I felt like I had no control over what I put in my body. I was convicted that I was not taking care of the amazing tool that God gave me to do life through.

I've been using the My Fitness Pal app and a Garmin watch Adam got me a couple years ago, I've stuck to being meticulous about calorie counting for the month of April. I set a reasonable calorie limit and some gentle exercise goals like walking every other day. It's like budgeting honestly. I know how many calories I want to spend on food and I make choices that help me feel satisfied through the whole day. Sometimes I make a little meal plan for the next day and sometimes I just log it as I go. I plan to keep it up through June. I know I won't always live this meticulously, but to retrain my brain on what to expect from my food and exercise has been SO GOOD and I expect some good fruits on the other side.

One more thing that's helped a lot is that site, Eat This Not That. It's amazing what you can eat without feeling deprived but still keeping nutrition and calorie counts in check. I've still eaten fast food and treats when my family does. I can keep it in control without isolating myself from what they are enjoying together. That is really important to me as I work this thing out.

What I'm reading...

I've been reading Sacred Privilege by Kay Warren. She has shared some amazing insight and wisdom on being a pastor's wife in this book. It has come at a really good time for me and I'm soaking it in.

What I'm wearing...
We are still wearing too many layers around here for my liking. I told my SIL (who lives in South Carolina) that we're pretty much wearing shorts and winter coats. I just want to not wear socks and coats and layers ok? Is that too much to ask of the month of April? I don't think so! I jumped on the overall trend and bought a pair of overall shorts.... shorts overalls? I'm not sure which term is right. I bought a pair I can easily cut the bib part off of and just wear as shorts if it doesn't work out. I'm non-committal like that. Ha!

I follow a happy lady named Sena Nelson (@senaenelson) on Insta. I vibe with her style and look. The shorts looked good on her so who knows? Maybe they'll work out for me too.

What I'm using...

I wear contacts and the day before Easter my eyes were so dry and irritated I just plucked my contacts out and tossed them mid-sentence talking to Adam. The next  morning (Easter morning) I was getting ready for church and realized those chucked contacts were my last pair. It was time to get an eye exam and some new lenses. I finally made it to the office (with all three kids in tow) and got an updated prescription. The doctor gave me a stronger prescription and upped me to Acuvue Oasis. Oh my word!!! So much better!. My eyes have been so irritated for so long. It was such a relief to put the new ones in. Now I'm starting to think about Lasik eye surgery. I've had glasses since third grade and glasses since sixth. My eyes seem to be getting worse and it would just be so nice to just get rid off all the eye paraphernalia.

That's it for me this month.
What are you loving?
What makes life a little sweeter for you? 

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